
John McAdam

3 - Portrait tablets

2 - PC/landscape tablets

4 - L/scape smartphone

5 - Portrait smartphone

Section 3:

The Roads


The world of long-distance coach travel

Ancient Trackways

The first roads

Celtic Trading Routes

The Celts were trading across Europe and although nothing remains of their roads, they must have followed fixed routes

Roman Roads

The Romans built roads, famously straight. These are the first roads that we in England are familiar with

The Middle Ages

After the Romans left, our roads fell into disrepair. Find out what happened

The Tudors

After the dissolution of the monasteries, even the church’s work ended

The Stuarts

During the Stuart period the first beginnings of improvement appeared

Thomas Mace

The first proposal to improve Britain’s roads

The Blind Roadmaker

The first person to take active steps to improve the roads

Thomas Telford

As pressure for improved transport links grew, this engineer made a real difference

John McAdam

Perhaps the most famous roadmaker, His method is still essentially in use today


Britain’s roads at last allow fast long-distance travel 


‍ Part 1: Living Memories

Anecdotes written by people who actually travelled on the coaches

Part 2: The Age of Coaching

The coachmen, the inns, the coach proprietors - they’re all here. Come in and meet them

Part 3: The Roads

Britain’s roads were pretty impassable for most of our history.  Coach travel was very difficult until they improved

Part 4: The Coaches

Wheeled transport evolved over many years. Find out how coaches developed


Sources and information about how I came to create this website

Home Page

Home Page of the Coaching Website

1820: John Loudon McAdam was born in Scotland in 1756 and became a civil engineer. He was the inventor of "macadamisation" which was an effective and economical method of constructing roads.

In 1783 he became a trustee of the Ayrshire Turnpike and became increasingly interested in road construction. He came to the conclusion that roads needed to be raised above the surrounding ground, constructed from systematic layers of rocks and gravel and cambered so that rain runs off..

To our modern eyes, this seems fairly obvious but at the time it was the greatest advance in road construction since Roman times.

For centuries, the Roman method of making roads had been forgotten. Surveyors simply repaired roads with earth and cartloads of any stones which came to hand. Once this was done done their “repairs” were completed. The inevitable result was that the roads quickly deteriorated until they were as bad as they were before. 

The simple fact is that roads cannot be made with loose earth and stones. The only way to create a road is to to remove the earth to create a trench and then fill it with coarse-broken granite or rock. topped with a layer of small stones on top.

John McAdam realised that broken stones have angular edges which pack together, whereas random stone is mainly rounded and never packs together into a solid mass.

Generations of road builders and repairers had not spotted this simple fact. They assumed that the traffic would pack the stones down but in fact they remain as loose as a shingle beach and the surface is quickly destroyed by the wheels and hooves of passing traffic.

In 1802 John McAdam moved to Bristol where he became general surveyor for the Bristol Corporation and then surveyor to the Bristol Turnpike Trust. It was here that he decided to put his ideas into practice and remake all the roads under his care with crushed stone bound with gravel on a firm base of large stones. A camber, making the road slightly convex, ensured rainwater rapidly drained off the road rather than penetrate and damage the road's foundations.

The top layer in particular is interesting and became known as “macadam” It consists of smaller pieces of broken granite bound with “hoggin” which is red gravel mixed with clay. Hoggin has a binding quality. 

His method was so successful that it spread very quickly across the world. It became known as "macadamisation".  The first macadamised road in North America was the National Road, completed in the 1830s.

John McAdam died in 1836 but his method continued to spread until most of the main roads in Europe were macadamised by the end of the nineteenth century.

Even today, his name lives on in our own roads which are covered in “tarmac”, which is short for “tarmacadam” - the addition of bitumen tar to John McAdam’s top layer.

Incidentally, great scheme for macadamising out the whole of the Great North Road between London and Edinburgh was in progress when the successful trial of the competing locomotives at Rainhill, near Liverpool, cast a warning shadow over the arrangements, and finally led to the project being entirely abandoned. 

Had the work been done, it is quite possible that the railways to the north would have taken another direction.

Thomas Telford was the engineer chosen by the Government to execute the work, and the portion between Morpeth and Edinburgh was actually constructed.  The road between London, York,and Morpeth had not only been surveyed, but work was on the eve of being started, when the Rainhill trials in 1829 stopped them short, and caused the utter waste of the public money spent in the surveying.

Next: Turnpikes