The Future is Calling

Can you foresee the future?
The future is coming. It is beckoning to us. But what it will be like? Can you guess what life will be like in five years’ time - or ten?

Thomas Watson, president of IBM in 1943, couldn’t when he said: “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”

Nor could Ken Olsen, the founder of Digital Equipment Corporation. In 1977 he said, "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."

Man holding an enormous, early mobile phone from the 1980s.

So our chances are slim.
Did you foresee the widespread ownership of smartphones and tablets when mobile phones looked like this back in 1987? (They cost $3,500, by the way.)
No, nor did I.

And could you have conceived back then, that children and teenagers would be routinely posting videos on Facebook and YouTube - a few of them making a fortune in the process? 

That's the problem with trying to foresee the future. It’s pretty well impossible despite the fact that we all think we have a fair idea of what things might be like in a few years’ time.

We think we know what’s coming . . .
We imagine bigger televisions and smarter cars, faster trains and futuristic fashions. But are we right?

futuristic fashionFuturistic car

It’s actually pretty impossible to imagine what the world will be like in just five years' time, never mind ten or twenty. We just can’t imagine what we’ll all be using and doing.

Why is it so difficult to see what the future holds
- and what can we do about it?

There are several reason why we can’t foresee what’s to come, the two main ones being familiarity and unexpected consequences.

This website will help you begin to see what’s coming and that may well give you a competeitive advantage.

You’ll learn about:

First: Let’s look at why its so hard to see what’s coming

© Brian Smith 2015